Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bad Boy

I've been suspecting that my #5 battery was bad for a while. This was the replacement battery for the one that was damaged in "the meltdown". I was suspicious because it charges up really fast and discharges just as fast. And when using the Zivan, it would pull down more voltage than the others, even though its indicated State of Charge was the same. On the way back from the SFEVA meeting it was hot and had dropped to 10.96v - way below what it should have been. It had also blown the fuse on the BEQ1.
I messaged Ken at Hot Juice Electric (the maker of the BEQ1 equalizers I'm using) to confirm my suspicion of the defective battery. He agreed is was bad and I called the battery dealer. I got someone on the phone who quickly told me to bring it in. After describing the symptoms he agreed that they would do a swap. The details will have to wait for after I return from Xmas holiday, but I have high hopes that replacing this bad boy will fix my charging problems...

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