Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chop and section?

So I was all set today to weld on the brackets to the motor/cowl rack so I could get it grind-ed/painted/bolted in like the other two.
But there was a problem...
I noticed that the edge of the rack was right over one of the motor terminals.
The terminal will have a rubber boot on it, but it will be carrying 156 volts, and if it were to contact the rack it would dump that 156 volts to the body of the car.
Yes, it's not very likely to happen, but the rack is a little wider than it needs to be, and I think I'd feel a little safer if it wasn't directly over that terminal.
So outcomes the sawzall.
It wasn't as easy to cut through the welds as I thought it would be - they must be stronger than I thought.
Comes out the rack was an 1 1/8" too wide. Now it will be nice and snug around those batteries.
he picture are awful (still using my daughter's $10 digital camera), but you can see the before and after shots of the terminal next to the rack.
I'll have to get those brackets on next time...

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