I ran across this post and it was (excuse the cliche) like a breath of fresh air:
http://www.twilightearth.com/2009/07/a-word-on-pollution-and-the-electric-vehicle/If you read the news on the internet you probably see a lot of negative opinions about electric cars. Most just point out common assumptions and repeat them as fact.
An example of this was recently in the
Morgan County News. Now I have no idea where Morgan County is, but that's not important. What is important is that when these mis-assumptions get passed off as fact they get into the popular mindset damaging the acceptance of this needed technology.
Here's another fine example - just the headline is inflammatory:
Electric Cars - Kinda StupidThis post just takes a quote from Wired and adds a rant on non-recyclable batteries - as if EVs run on alkaline energizers that can't be recharged!
Now a lot of news posts stay away from benefit statements and just report the facts - Nissan announces a new model, new battery technology, etc. and that's good, but we as EV advocates need to be concerned about popular opinion too. Popular opinion can influence funding and the legislature which can make or break a technology change like we're advocating. Right now popular opinion is on our side, but it seems to me that this position is fragile and we need to do more to defend it.
So, what's my point? It made me think that we as a group need to be more vocal. We need to quickly comment on these postings pointing out the facts and, more importantly, calling out the writer for their ignorance, laziness or their transparent negative agenda. Why do we need to quickly comment? Most blogs and news sites show comments in chronological order. Having your comment on page 3 is not going to influence anyone.
So get out there and post.
What's in the News? Hopefully you.